...I'm finally back in blogland!
Woooo, it was a struggle to get back here. Thanks for joining me here.
Hmm, why a struggle, you might ask? Really, how hard is it to write a blog?
Well, it's not really...on a practical level. But mentally, I had to break some sort of strange reluctance I had to 'show up' online, on a PERSONAL level. It's still hard to really be seen in this way, so publicly, but I've realised something. Blogging is essential for an artist. Art is deeply personal and subjective and I've come to realise that you want to know who I am. As in, who is that behind the art? If you've arrived on this page, I thank for taking such interest in who I am. Truly, I thank you! I endeavour to share more of myself here, and more of myself with you.
So. You'd at least be pleased to know that in the absence of blogging, i've been doing ALL the things!! I've finally started creating artworks based on the most striking confocal microscopic images I've taken over the years - a new line of work I'm calling "Cellular Landscapes."
I'm also collaborating with a dear astrophysicist/artist friend in the UK, Jamie Perellet, to create a fantastic audio-visual journey that links science, art and philosophy, and showcases both his science-based art and my own! FUN! He'll be here in BC for the summer and we are going to be presenting this work in several amazing spaces. The one I'm most excited about is the Living Lodge...
I'm SO EXCITED to have been invited to be participate as a key collaborator and contributor to the ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR Revival Project by its wonderful founder, Ben Browner:
I LOVE this project. I love it and the crew of 6 of us now behind it, who are diverse in our skills and interests, hard-working, talented and very well aligned. It speaks to everything I want for the world, especially in this moment. Simply put:
“Our mission is to assist in the emergence of holistic cultural evolution, by experimenting with social containers & ways of Being that exemplify the healthiest organizing principles of Life.”
So I've been spending time in Seattle, visiting now dear friends there. Including some artists I just met at Imagine Festival on Orcas Island in September. What a truly incredible bunch of people! One of them is Michelle Andherst, one of my new art heros! WOW, her stuff is out-of-this-world beautiful - a mixture scientific-style illustration (her former profession) with absolute beauty and flowing forms. (http://michelleanderst.com/) This is us at the opening of her recent show:
Too bad this is blurry. Michelle's art on the walls behind us is ridiculously amazing. Please visit her site to check it out!
LOVE her! I hope to book her to live paint with us at this year's Blessed Coast Festival in Squamish, BC.
Also LOVING time with the amazing Moksha Marqhuardt, whose skills never cease to amaze me!! We always have a blast hanging out. We're known to frequent coffee shops, armed with pencils and paper and draw for hours...or eat way too much Theo (chocolate!) and stay up til dawn painting...the good life. :)
Sleepless (literally) in Seattle!
Oh, and I also started writing a book. Hold on, WHAT?? i'm writing a book?? Ya, that was a tremendous download one day and all of a sudden, just started flowing. What's it on? Well, that's a whole other blog post for another time, when I'm not itching to leave my computer and continue working on one of 3 Soul Portraits I also have happening right now! (WHEEEEE!)
So, somewhere in the chaos, I shall find time to Blog. I will keep you in the loop. This feels good actually. Settling in now. Thank you for being here. I'd love to hear from you if you ever feel inclined. I'm more for conversation than one-way shares. :)
Much love, friends. Off to paint now...finishing off a Soul Portrait tonight for the gorgeous, brilliant, divine Dr Devon Christie. Can't wait to show you!!!