I trained and conducted research in the fields of molecular cell biology, genetics, developmental biology and neuroscience for over 13 years, studying cellular processes relating to tissue formation, cancer and autism. I was fortunate to have access to high-powered confocal microscopes that allowed me to capture beautiful images of cells in their native environments.
In Spring 2017, I began exploring turning her scientific images into art, launching a new digital line called "Cellular Landscapes." I hope these works will inspire contemplation of our innermost workings, and reverence for our bodies as impossibly intricate, incredible systems.
All of the images you see here are of tissues of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. (Yes, the fruit fly. Believe it or not, flies are much like humans on many levels - molecular, cellular and genetic! Amazing! Learn more here.)
If you want to know more about these images and what they mean, please click on them. If you're still not satisfied, email me for more details - I LOVE talking science!
I acquired these images @ between 10 - 63x magnification using laser scanning confocal microscopy or scanning electron microscopy. Some have been manipulated while others are as they appeared as under the microscope, innately perfect in form.
(Custom print sizes available on request.)
A note of gratitude:
I am very grateful to have been trained to use laser-scanning confocal microscopes ($250K+!) by my PhD supervisor Dr Katja Roper at Cambridge University, in the renowned Gurdon Institute and the laboratory of my gracious mentor, Dr Nick Brown. I am thankful to have studied there, to have learned from scholars, Nobel Laureates and scientists from all over the world, and to be part of such an incredible, dedicated community. I'm grateful to have continued studying the remarkable inner workings of the cell through my Post-doctoral studies in the lab of Dr Guy Tanentzapf (Dept. of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of British Columbia) and as a Research Associate in the lab of Dr Michael Gordon (Dept. of Zoology, University of British Columbia). I miss academic research and still love to read about the latest scientific discoveries, particularly in the field of human health.
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